Join us in making India a better place to live by providing them the medical solutions they need
NEURONCY healthcare, is a service-provider who offers a comprehensive range of medical services under one roof, so that it is convenient and accessible for all kinds of patients to receive any kind of healthcare services at one place without having the hassles of going to different places for different stages of treatment. Our aim is to remove the fragmentation in our current healthcare system to improve healthcare outcomes, reduce the cost and provide the patient with a satisfying experience

We provide all types of healthcare to patients under one roof so that patients do not have to struggle in the fragmented healthcare system that exists. This in turn helps to save time and start the treatment of the patient in times of emergency.

We provide hospital booking services as well as diagnostic services ( like blood tests, imaging services like X-rays, CT-SCAN, MRI, ECG, ECHO, USG, etc. ) along with doctor’s appointments (both online and offline) for easy use by the patients so that they are equally served irrespective of their location and socio-economic situations.

We provide Ambulance services for patients and are also taking an initiative to start Heal at Home (Homecare) so that patients are treated just like they would be in hospitals but at home. Doctors , Physiotherapists , ICU services will be set up at home for the best treatment of the patient. Surgery planning and booking along with managing healthcare online by ABHA ID will also be provided by us.

Our Services :
- Routine check-ups, physical examination, Doctor consultation.
- Specialist care services .
- Diagnostic services.
- Health screening, immunization, wellness programs
- Ambulance services
- Urgent services like emergency hospitalization, Bed booking, Pharmacy services , Homecare services and many more
- Managing healthcare record online by ABHA ID.